Class 72 Technology Issues

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Video Games - Issues and Potential Solutions

Video games are fun. They are a wonderful pastime, and some games are even educational. However, despite the joy video games have brought to us, they may have detrimental effects on their users.
One major problem is that most video game players may lack enough physical activity. Most video games don’t make you physically active, and if one spends all or most of his/her time playing these games, and seldom does anything to keep himself/herself physically active, they may end up having diseases such as heart disease. There are some solutions to this problem, however. One can limit the time he/she plays on video games. Then they can spend their extra time being physically active. Another solution would be to create more games that either encourages one to be physically active or even makes one physically active. Examples of games that make one physically active are Dance Dance Revolution and Wii Sports. If one utilizes the solutions listed, it will be much less for them to develop diseases like heart disease.
Lack of physical activity isn’t the only major issue of video games. There is also the dreadful dilemma of violence and other bad messages being sent to a video game’s user through video games. Some video games may encourage one to be violent or to break the law in other ways. This is not good, because what the world needs is peaceful, law-abiding citizens, not violent outlaws trying to promote anarchy. However, there are wonderful ways to solve this issue. The best way is an exceedingly simple solution: if a video game is so violent or is often very unconstitutional in other ways, it must be banned. If they were banned, nobody could use them anymore. Maybe the Members of Parliament should consider this.
There are some other problems of video games, but the two I mentioned are probably the vilest of all the issues. However, all of these degrading dilemmas wouldn’t be so puzzling anymore if we all commenced contemplating on all the possible ways to get around these problems.

Question: Do you think banning a video game that encourages one to break the law is a good idea?


Blogger jenni said...

Yes, I do think banning a game that encourages people to break the law is a good idea because we are constantly trying make the world a better place.If we encourage peple to break the law more people will end up getting heart and violence will arise more frequently.Therefor if we block the thought of violence less will happen.

June 4, 2008 at 7:21 AM  
Blogger *Brynne* said...

Yes i do think it's a good idea because video gages can make u feel invisable and maybe want to do somthing crazy also there are better things to play then killing people and burning houses.
ps don't check my spelling

June 4, 2008 at 7:48 AM  
Blogger *Brynne* said...

i mean invincible

June 4, 2008 at 7:55 AM  
Blogger chris gustin said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

June 10, 2008 at 6:58 AM  
Blogger chris gustin said...

I can't think of one game that actually encourages you to break the law. Maybe it has law breaking content in it but most people know when to draw the line between video games and reality, besides, these games clearly say they are rated 17+ and at least 13+. In my opinion banning them would only cause more crime.

Also there are a lot of games that would make you more healthy, mostly being for the Wii...

June 10, 2008 at 6:59 AM  
Blogger Foo42 said...

I do not agree with jenni becasue we play them but that doesn't necessaray mean well do it

June 10, 2008 at 7:02 AM  
Blogger Taylor Gifonzda Kirkbride said...

I don't think banning any influencing games would be a good idea, because most people just enjoy playing the game and they don't do anything illegal. Some games like Grand Theft Auto may influence some people to do stupid things, but you rarely ever hear about people stealing cars or mugging somebody on the street and them getting influenced by a video game.Overall, I don't think banning any games would make a big difference on people who play them.

June 10, 2008 at 7:09 AM  
Blogger №Brian*K™ said...

Well I can't tell we must bann the video games it reduces our stress and for fun so I don't mind to bann the video games

June 10, 2008 at 4:16 PM  
Blogger !steph_rox! said...

yes i think that banning these kind of games are a good idea because the more vilent and deadly they are the will turn peoples minds a different way in to master mind criminals. even though this kind of game is fun it would be a good idea to have not as many and not as bade vido games!

June 18, 2008 at 7:39 AM  
Blogger Tallguy96 said...

I;ll be frank, I dissagree completely. To help prove myself Chris, kevin, Taylor and Brian I did some digging and foung this:Evidence: Violent Video Games Don't Increase Crime
From Michael Ward of University of Texas at Arlington:

"I study the incidence of criminal activity as related to a proxy for increased gaming, the number of game stores, from a panel of US counties from 1994 to 2004...For six of eight categories of crime, more game stores are associated with significant declines in crime rates. Proxies for other leisure activities, sports and movie viewing, do not have a similar effect. For confirmation, I also find that mortality rates, especially mortality rates stemming from injuries, also are negatively related to the number of game stores."
There you go. Yes There are articles that say video games are promoting violence and/or drugs. And yes people want games like grand theft auto 4 to be banned but let's face it, It won't happen!

June 18, 2008 at 7:43 AM  

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