The Movement of the I-pod
By Michelle Stevenson 7-2
Did you ever wonder what was the very first musical transformation was? Well did you know that it all started with the gramophone?
In its time, almost everyone had one. The gramophone is a machine where you have a pick that goes from the edge of the disk (these disks are 4 xs larger than a regular DVD disk)
to the middle, where in-between the middle and the edge the pick moves very slowly playing music that is on the disk. After the gramophone the “old fashioned” radios came out. These radios were mostly in the houses and then they moved into the car. Now, in some houses, the radios are built into things like coffee makers, microwaves, refrigerators, ect!
The radio soon became portable, which is where the CD player comesn. The CD player became a lot more popular because the CDs became more portable and in most CD players, they had the radio combined into it, so people could switch it from/ to whenever they would like. The CD player was mostly called the Boom box because people were so used to the name boom box (big portable CD player) that whenever people in that time would say CD player they preferred to call it the boom box. You are probably wondering “then how did the name CD player catch on?” well it took time, but CD player caught on.
A while later, a lot more people were attracted to the internet and instead of buying CDs, they started to download their songs to their mp3 players. Most mp3 players ran on batteries and they also had a radio in it. The portable CD player and the mp3 player lasted awhile, until what we have now, the i-pod came out. The I-Pod became very famous and almost everyone had to have one. People preferred the iPod over most of the other musical things because they were rechargeable and very expensive so if you had one, you would be the “popular” kind of people.
Nowadays, the i-Pod company apple made some iPod improvements where there are video, games, the internet and so much more. Through the years, music has changed slowly but a lot of technology has been put into it. Do you think the i-pod is becoming too technologic?
I dontthink the iPod is becoming too technologic, or will ever become too technologic. The whole point of development is to make everything better. If the people who used gramophones in the old days thought that gramophones were too technologic, think of all the technology and improvements we would have missed out on. Before music players would be big and bulky. Now the iPod is small and lightweight. When I got an iPod, I couldn't think of any way the iPod could improve more. Then a few months later, new iPods came out which had many improvements that my iPod didn't have, and about a year after that, even newer iPods came out, which had many improvements. I feel that the evolution of humans from apes was significant and we should not ever stop becoming more and more advanced and making everything more technologic, unless this endangers life and causes genocide.
I-pod is kind of whecking my ear so I couldn't concentrate on working so I'll bann it.
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