Class 72 Technology Issues

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Differences Between Movies

By: Angelica Castellano

Do you ever remember your parents talking about how lucky we are to have color TV with all the advances in technology? Well your parents were right there are many differences in technology, movies and TV.

Back in the forties there was black and white poor sound and color quality the special effects were dull lifeless grey and unrealistic. Unlike today the advances are amazing there’s color amazing sound and picture quality, vibrant energetic and realistic special effects as well as High Definition (HD) movies digital and 3-D picture films.

On the other hand there are some things that movies from the forties and movies today have in common like the are both types of cinematology they both has special effects and both movies could be aired over TV screens or in movie theatres.

The movies made back in the forties may not have been made with good quality but a lot of elderly people still enjoy watching them but younger generations enjoy the 3-D and amazing special effects that make the movies more lifelike and exciting for people to watch.

Question: In your opinion, do you think that movies have had an impact on peoples lives? Why or Why Not?


Blogger Taylor Gifonzda Kirkbride said...

yes I do thiink that movies have had an impact on people's lives because we can learn things from movies and get messages across.Without movies, a lot of people would be un-entertained and might not know some of the things that they've learned from movies.

May 29, 2008 at 7:58 AM  
Blogger Courteney said...

I think movies have had an impact on life. I thinkbecause they are fun and they teach people(young and old) lessons in life and then you know how to make your choices in life(as well from your parents.) When I was five I learne from a movie that you always want to be carefull or you may die from a disease. I think people have learned a lot in movies.

June 4, 2008 at 6:47 AM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

Yes, i think that movies have had a major impact on peoples lives because now, if movies stopped being made i think that a lot of people would not know what to do because some peoples live revolve around watching movies and tv. movies can be helpful by teaching people things and movies can have negative effects on peoples lives too. some negative effects are that movies can be inapropriate for kids of a young age so if their parents let them watch inapropriate movies then that might have negative effects on the kids lives later on. overall movies can have good effects and bad effects on peoples lives but i think that movies have had a lot of impacts on peoples lives.

June 4, 2008 at 7:10 AM  
Blogger Michelle..... said...

yes i think that movies have a lot of impact on peoples lives. I think movies teach and encourage many things into the "real" world because most likely if the television was dull the movies would be dull and therefore people would be dull. most of the time people get a lot of horrid ideas from the tv like being a killer or bad influence. now i'm not saying that all movies are bad some people believe it or not get romance tips! It all depends on the movie you are watching. Movies encourage infants too, like teletubies, dora, barny and all those other little kid shows. anyway, my point is that yes have a huge impact on life.

June 10, 2008 at 7:08 AM  
Blogger jenni said...

Yes I do think movie have had an impact on peoples' lives becuaase now adays movie are a regulare form of entertainment

June 10, 2008 at 7:09 AM  
Blogger №Brian*K™ said...

Yes people loves movies and we could learn somethink from the movie or impression from that movie.

June 10, 2008 at 4:39 PM  
Blogger Meelah Flehvaos Voodjovik said...

I do think that movies have made an impact on peoples' lives. I think that movies serve a dual purpose to people. One purpose is that they sometimes learn from movies. They can learn "lessons" or the movie gets a certain point to the person. The other purpose of movies is solely for entertainment. I think that people enjoy having "family nights" or just enjoy watching movies. Overall I think that movies have made a change in peoples' lives today.

June 18, 2008 at 7:26 AM  

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