Class 72 Technology Issues

Monday, May 26, 2008

Video Games

One of the first game consoles was Pong. It was an arcade game and a home console game, the arcade version is like a pin ball game except it was a screen. It did the same thing as the home console just bigger, the home console game is really big compared to the stuff that we have now.

Next came Nintendo 64 with a controller, the controllers were simple but they worked. The controllers had d-pads (a d pad is a direction pad) and a few other buttons like A, B, R, and L (R=right L=left). The play station 1 came out next with a joystick which did the same thing as a d-pad but more complex. The play station 1 also has better picture because they saw how fuzzy Nintendo 64 was so they tried to make it better and it worked.

Gameboy Colour
After that came Game boy Colour which was most likely the first handheld portable system, it didn’t have the greatest screen resolution but it was fairly small. It ran off double A batteries but they didn’t last very long. Then shortly after that they came out with the Game Boy Advanced which was like the Game Boy Colour but the upgraded version like better picture ad a better quality system (harder plastic ect.). The Play station 2 is very well known for its long lastingness. I have had my Play Station 2 for 5 years and still running great. They keep on making games for this system because so many people liked it. Play Station 2 is much better then Play Station 1 because of the time and effort they put into it.

Next was the Nintendo DS with a cool “duel screen” and “touch pad” (DS= dual screen). The dual screen can make 1 big screen, it is really quite cool, and the touch pad comes with a pen which you can use with the touch pad. They have made 2 Nintendo DS’s, the Nintendo DS and the Nintendo DS Lite. I prefer the DS light because it is much lighter, smaller, has a better brighter screen and comes in different colours. The games are exactly the same for both systems. They also have Wi-Fi which you can connect to other players wirelessly or on the internet.

after that they came out with the Xbox 360. The Xbox 360 has very good graphics and HD. The Xbox 360 is more for older people because most of the games are rated T but that have a lot of E games. Then they came out with PS3, it is like the Xbox 360 they just keep on getting better. The PS3 has great graphics but they find that they are overheating a lot. Then comes the Nintendo Wii which has wireless controllers and, is almost virtual reality. It is the top of the line stuff right now, and great I love it, it is a lot of fun and the whole family can play it.

Sony Playstation 3

The list of these video games shows how they get better over time and what they do to make them better, it is going to be hard to make them better then they are now but they will find a way just like they did with all of the other video games. In my opinion the next video game is going to be amazing because of how good they are now with wireless, online and a whole bunch more.

Nintendo Wii
Question:What do you think will be the future of video games and why?


Blogger maxthezeppelinfan1 said...

The future of videogames will probably be more virtual,for example today we play with a controller or a remote,in the future we will probably be playing with no controller but a helmet on your head to play the game.

June 4, 2008 at 6:39 AM  
Blogger Mk (Ryan) said...

I tthink that the future of video games is an advanced wii. I think that because msoon everybody will want to use virtual reality instead of just sitting down and pushing buttons on a controler. Personaly i like the wii better than ps or xbox be3cause i get into the game rather than moving a character. I think that soon everyone will want to do this to, somewhere in the future.

June 4, 2008 at 6:45 AM  
Blogger Max said...

Okay ryan i hear what you are saying but i dont think that future neccessarly means virtual reality. It may mean better graphics or more memory space. Ps3 has a sixaxis contoller which you can control by the way you turn it, its somewhat like the wii. I think that the future is heading in virtual reality way somewhat but mostly better and more realistic graphics. Good article taylor :D ( thats a smiley face incase you didnt know ) :D.

June 4, 2008 at 6:50 AM  
Blogger Mk (Ryan) said...

I didn't say that it would be only wii. I said that it would be more virtual reality and ADVANCED wii. That means better graphics, gameplay and more fun. Wii is also strickley for gaming which is why it is so cheap.

June 4, 2008 at 6:54 AM  
Blogger lil boi tay b said...

Aaron i don't under stand why is it only for gaming, and what do you mean by that.

June 4, 2008 at 6:55 AM  
Blogger Aaron said...

i think the future of video games will be more like virtual reality. sort of like what max says but we will a lso wear a suit to move the character.i think max is just jealous he doesnt have a wii aqnd that is why he disagrees with us. the wii has been way more popular than the ps3 therefore the virtual reality would be way more popular. also playing with movement would be better for you even if it is barely any exersise, it would still be better than ps3 or xbox. i think vr is definately where video games are heading

June 4, 2008 at 6:56 AM  
Blogger lil boi tay b said...

Aaron but the wii doesnt have online which makes the ps3 alot better.

June 4, 2008 at 6:57 AM  
Blogger Aaron said...

i almost forgot :D (smiley face)

June 4, 2008 at 6:57 AM  
Blogger Max said...

Aaron the reason why it is so popular is because its not as expesive, so more people can afford it. The ps3 is better because they came out at almost the same time, and the ps3 is more which means it has more expensive stuff in it and it is better.

June 4, 2008 at 6:57 AM  
Blogger Max said...

oh yeah i forgot

June 4, 2008 at 6:57 AM  
Blogger Aaron said...

why do people bid for them on ebay and the last wii in hamilton sold for over 10 000

explain that max

June 4, 2008 at 7:00 AM  
Blogger jojokoh said...

Taylor, the Wii does have online play but it is not as good as the PS3's online.

Also, the Wii is sold for more in bidding because everyone buys them. They are all usually out of stock.

The future of video games will be more real and better. I don't know if there will be VR goggles but gaming will be improved and you will feel that you are in the game.

June 10, 2008 at 7:01 AM  
Blogger chris gustin said...

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June 10, 2008 at 7:09 AM  
Blogger №Brian*K™ said...

I think there will be no more video games

June 10, 2008 at 4:43 PM  
Blogger Max said...

I think that the future of video games is going to be more high tech. and better graphics to make it more realistic. The wii was the last system that came out, that was part of the best 3 (Ps3, Xbox and Wii) i do not neccessarly think that the wii is the best and most used technology than some of the systems realised before that. The wii is not totally virtual reality most games you use the buttons no movement. I can remember the first time i played the wii. I thought it would have been waay waay more virtual. Anyways great article taylor. :D

June 18, 2008 at 7:21 AM  
Blogger Dean said...

The future in video games will be more portable then they are now.and you will be able to play something like WII and have a hockey stick or little baseball bats or a mini skateboard or something like keep you more active while your nnot geting fresh air but your more active while playing the games.

June 18, 2008 at 7:25 AM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

June 18, 2008 at 7:27 AM  
Blogger Dean said...

the video games will be porttable kinda like a laptop or something like that.

June 18, 2008 at 7:35 AM  
Blogger Aaron said...

i think that the future of video gaming is heading to virtual reality. one reason why i think this is because in the past the wii wich is sprt of like virtual reality(VR) has been very popular. also if it is VR the graphics would probably be very advancedand you would get into the game a lot more. one last thing is the player might wear some kind of suit to control the character wich my result inn lower obesity rates even though it is barely any exersize. although i think this it might not nessicarily be true becausethe other "top 3" in video games are also very popular. i have the wii though and i love ie and that is why i think the future of video games will be VR. one thing is for sure though the future of video games will be very high tech with great graphics.

June 18, 2008 at 7:49 AM  

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