History of Computers
Computers have changed a lot over time and only became what we use now recently. They were originally very slow but became more advanced over time.
About 60 years ago computers were very rare, very big, and very basic. They were designed for one task and did it slowly.
In the 1980’s the PC was invented. It was still not anything like computers today. To open programs you had to type commands.

Then, in the 1990’s the desktop was invented and computers began to look like they do now. The graphics were nothing special but they could do so many more things.
Recently computers have gotten very advanced and can do many things. The graphics are very good and the computer is convenient and easy to use.

Now almost anything can be found on the internet so it makes things like libraries almost useless.Without modern computers I think our lives would be very different. How would your life change if you had to use really old computers?
It would suck!!!!!! You most likely wouldn't do half the kind of things you could do now. Correction, a quarter of it. But then again technology is apperently updated every 44 months so how old? but great article. Very informative
I'll get crazy about old computers.I have a toshiba 2002 laptop thats so SLOW!!!
I would throw out the laptop.
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