GOOD OR BAD BY: Mitchell. Wilson
Problem Solution
Over the past years I have heard that cell phones can be bad and good so I was not sure so I did some research . And found out that there are a lot of students that use or have cell phones and they get in trouble for having the. But what some people don’t understand is that they also solve problems like if you are going some ware with your friends and you can’t tell your parents ware you are they start to worry and you get in trouble for not phoning them .If some people say they are good and bad they are right .
Classrooms: My friends always talk about kids texting in class and not paying
It can also ruin grads from an 80% to an 50% . An solution for this is to ask kids to turn of cellphones in class or have them lift in lockers and only used for emergences .
Brain damaged: An another big part of cell phones . I have recently heard that the highway behind my house they put a big building and they had to take it down one because they did not have permission to put it up .And there was a lot of radiatin coming of it from cell phones the solution to this is will they have sort of ready solved it but they should put an new law out saying that cell phones arte not aloud on main rods or highways.
Textwords: I have also heard that kids are using words like u instead of you I have done it to . I think that text words will soon take over regular writing . The answer to this is only let kids go on msn for a few minutes and no more texting .
As a result to this is that cell phones are good and bad but there is an consequence . You have to take care of them because if you don’t . It might get taken away and if you don’t have it when you need it is your fault . Therefore you wel be lie the boy who called wolf . I hope you have
learned a bet about cell phones.
GOOD OR BAD BY: Mitchell. Wilson
Problem Solution
Over the past years I have heard that cell phones can be bad and good so I was not sure so I did some research . And found out that there are a lot of students that use or have cell phones and they get in trouble for having the. But what some people don’t understand is that they also solve problems like if you are going some ware with your friends and you can’t tell your parents ware you are they start to worry and you get in trouble for not phoning them .If some people say they are good and bad they are right .
Classrooms: My friends always talk about kids texting in class and not paying

It can also ruin grads from an 80% to an 50% . An solution for this is to ask kids to turn of cellphones in class or have them lift in lockers and only used for emergences .
Brain damaged: An another big part of cell phones . I have recently heard that the highway behind my house they put a big building and they had to take it down one because they did not have permission to put it up .And there was a lot of radiatin coming of it from cell phones the solution to this is will they have sort of ready solved it but they should put an new law out saying that cell phones arte not aloud on main rods or highways.
Textwords: I have also heard that kids are using words like u instead of you I have done it to . I think that text words will soon take over regular writing . The answer to this is only let kids go on msn for a few minutes and no more texting .
As a result to this is that cell phones are good and bad but there is an consequence . You have to take care of them because if you don’t . It might get taken away and if you don’t have it when you need it is your fault . Therefore you wel be lie the boy who called wolf . I hope you have
learned a bet about cell phones.
if you can give me an answer why they are bad i will be happy to answer it in way that they are bad and good
Hey Mitch. You have some really good information here, but you need to get some help with proofreading, then edit and reposte. You could ask a number of your peers, an adult, or me at lunchtime! So far - it looks great!
Yo mitch I totally agree with you except for the cancer thing. Since it hasn't been proved(yet) I'm a little skeptical. But other than that it's pretty good. Consider spell chek~!!!!!!!!!!!!!
those cellphones were pretty but I don't like cellphones are making eyes whecked.Very good information!
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